Sunday 15 May 2011

A family filled weekend!

I've been a busy girl this weekend, busier than I've been for a long time actually - its a bit of a shock to my system actually and I'm now pretty tired!

Had a visit from Andrew's parents and sister on Saturday, which was lovely and I know they had been looking forward to it, so it was nice to be able to give them a happy day. Actually went shopping properly for the first time in months. I found myself being quite indecisive and not knowing what to buy, but I'm happy with the purchases I made and I'm sure my Andy would have been happy with them too. It brought back lots of happy memories; when he used to come and visit me whilst at uni last year we would always go into town and he would spoil me rotten! Lots of memories spent looking round the shops together, dreaming about things we could buy for our future house etc. It was nice having a day spent with people who wanted to talk about Andy and who were eager to hear my stories, rather than all the people who avoid the subject the rest of the time. I love talking about Andy and how wonderful he was, but I also like remembering the arguments too and all of the moments when he wasn't perfect. And I'm sure his family loved it too, they know their son wasn't always perfect, but he was also an amazing person too!

Today my mummy and daddy came to see me and brought lots and lots of cake with them, which makes my housemates very happy; they're currently munching away on various items. I've really missed my mum since I've been away because there are so many moments where I really need a mummy hug because there's nothing like one of those. Yesterday in House of Fraser I made a beeline in the perfume section to the one my mum wears just so I had that familiar smell around me.

We had a good talk about what I want to do next year, and I'm still confused but I know I'm making the right decision to take a break for a while. Everything I've read says don't make serious decisions, especially not life changing ones. Nice meal in the pub, second one in a row! Not had to feed myself all weekend, win!

I think I've made more cups of tea this weekend than ever, my mum seriously has a tea problem! I love her though and have missed all of my family and extended family since I've been back at uni. I'm counting down the days til I can get back home and all my exams will be over! Stress free time starts soon :D

It was nice for a change to have a happy weekend, I've been too busy to get upset too much or to think too much! You have a happy blogger this evening!

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